Tag: GIS

Tech (Maori Class pt.2)

We learned about wharenui and the different kinds of patterns today in maori class. The patterns along the wharenui’s edge tell a variety of tales. Matua Harley went into great detail about his upbringing and activities at his wharenui. He kindly requested that Ngapera and Joshua distribute pencils, blank sheets of paper, and a wharenui where people could express themselves by making patterns of the things they loved. 

While we were drawing, we watched a different documentary, which was quite fascinating. The story concerned a Maori guy from New Zealand who sets out to explore the globe in order to find the whereabouts of his ancestors, which turned out to be a region called Hawaiki. In order to get to Africa, Hawaii, and Haiti, he first travels through New Zealand. When the bell rang, we packed up the felt-tip and pencils, signed our artwork, stored it for the following week, bid Matua Harley farewell and me and another girl made our way to the bus